

During the second week of September, Andes Integración Logística, the first Chilean forwarder to open an office in China, visited its main customers receiving domestic salmon and fruit in that country.

CHINA. Cherry is one of the main fruits exported to China, according to the latest Fruit Bulletin of the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa). Between January and March of this year, Chile shipped 301,600 tons of cherry, valued at USD 1,569 million FOB. This represents 55.5% of the total value of fresh fruit exports for the period, and its main destination is China, which absorbs 89% of Chilean cherry exports.

Manuel Huidobro, commercial manager of the air cargo division of Andes Integración Logística, explained that the most relevant season for cherry exports is between November and December, when they can reach 18,000 tons by air, although 95% are shipped by sea.

In addition to cherry, Andes Integración Logística has also seen an important boom in salmon and trout exports to China. According to the quarterly export bulletin of the trade association SalmonChile, between January and July of this year these exports reached US$ 3,788 million, representing 7% of total shipments, which shows an increase of 3% over the previous year.

Exports of Atlantic salmon, coho and trout totaled US$3,317 million, with Atlantic salmon being the most exported product (69%), followed by Pacific salmon (25%), and trout (6%). The main destinations include the United States (44%), Japan (14%) and Brazil (13%).

Manuel Huidobro pointed out that “this year we recovered the volume of fresh salmon that we had pre-pandemic, with an average market of 600 tons a week going to China, being the second most important market for our air shipments, after the United States”. He also pointed out that Salar or Atlantic salmon is the type of salmon most exported to China throughout the year, with a transit time of approximately 3 to 4 days.

Andes’ visit also included a tour of the main seafood market in Shanghai, the Jiangyang Market, where live lobsters from Chile are also popular products in that country.